Saturday, May 10, 2008

White Collared Kingfisher

White Collared Kingfisher, originally uploaded by shianghan27.

Hey hey.. look what i found outside the Year 2 Phyiscs lab?? A white collared kingfisher that made its nest somewhere there!! :) I first saw a pair at Buona Vista MRT in February but i didn't have my 70-300mm yet.. then when I got the lens, the birds had left..

So i was really quite happy to find this pair in school.. on thursday after my last paper i went to physics and camped there for maybe an hour or two to take photos of this kingfisher and found its nest too..

Cropped it in Lightroom because it was still kinda small, looks like 300mm is not enough for birding.. HMMMM.. haha..

Hope you guys like it!! I think its kinda cute.. haha..

Taken with Nikon D40 + 70-300mm VR

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