Friday, June 27, 2008

Out to fish..

Out to fish.., originally uploaded by shianghan27.

The photo for today is: one of a young man with the responsibility to catch enough fish to feed his family, paddling his fishing boat out to the middle of the lake to fish!

Amazingly, these people start fishing at night.. guess its the same everywhere huh.. Technically, the sun was behind him, so he was quite underexposed, converted to B&W to give it that simple timeless feeling again.. Like the look on his face and the water droplets from his paddle.. Composition wise maybe its lacking a bit cos he's just right in the centre, but i think it kinda balances out and maybe it works because of him!

Today is my GF's birthday!! Like to wish you a very very happy birthday dear!! Love you!

Taken with Nikon D40 + 70-300mm VR @ 300mm f5.6 1/1600 iso 400

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