Monday, July 21, 2008

Colour in the Rain

Colour in the Rain, originally uploaded by shianghan27.

Hey hey..

Went for the National Day Parade rehearsals for the National Education program (which meant for the Pri. 5 kids)..

Yup, the weather was seriously not good at all.. started raining before we even got there.. and continued till just before the pre-parade segment started.. Then it stopped (luckily) but the clouds were still there (which meant dull colours and not enough light).. But still weather aside, it was fun!! Thanks to Liza for giving me the tickets.. My GF appreciates it a lot too!!

The problem with taking photos that day was mainly one of light.. The overcast sky made everything seem gloomy.. and it was not even 5pm yet.. So we made do i guess.. this is the first of the photos.. taken right at the end actually.. I took it using my GF's camera.. haha.. so she sent it to me first.. Haven't downloaded my own yet (kinda no space on laptop hard disk)..

Yup, because of the rain, the colourful lights really stand out and i kinda like colour.. so here it is.. haha..

Thanks for reading.. and more to come (once i clear some space on my comp..)

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